Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Princess Training" - the First Step in our Personal Pathway!

Princess Training - It's Tougher than We Think!

Princess Training. Imagine it. Isn't this something that we learn vicariously when we watch The Princess Diaries?

The Princess Diaries, starring Julie Andrews (as the Queen) and young Anne Hathaway (as the Princess-in-Hiding, and later as the Princess-in-Training).

At some level, we each have an inner Princess. This is not about a feeling of entitlement. It's a feeling that we each have some degree of nobility; an aspect that is beyond our everyday selves and our everyday lives.

What captures our hearts and minds about stories such as The Princess Diaries is that each of us knows that to bring out our inner Princess, we need training. We need training as a simple, ordinary, everyday Princess, and than later we need training as we become a Heroic, or Warrior Princess.

Dr. Nicole Cutts, Ph.D., leads Vision Quest workshops, and in Many Paths, Many Feet, contributes her mythic/semi-autobiographical story of Princess Isabelle, who becomes a warrior Princess on a Heroine's Quest to save her parent's kingdom.

We are drawn to becoming more than we are, right now. And we know that we need some form of training in order to become who and what we were meant to be.

Luke Skywalker had his Obiwan Kenobi, and his Yoda. He followed the "path" of the Jedi Knights; an ancient and honorable warrior discipline.

We women have a comparable path. (Chapter 6 of Unveiling will introduce this, as The Hero's Quest - and the Heroine's as Well!)

So what do we do if we want our very own Princess training?

We follow a body/mind/psyche/energy integration pathway. In fact, the very first aspect of this pathway is Princess-training!

Start your journey at Alay'nya Blog - Princess Training. Then, go to the Alay'nya Studio website to learn more, and to sign up for the Open House on Sunday, March 13th, from noon - 2PM.

We'll see all of you emerging Princesses there!

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