Thursday, February 24, 2011

Editing, Proofing, & Indexing - Part II

Unveiling, Chapter 7: Archetypes

Actually, "Archetypes" is not the title of this chapter. But I've been up since 2AM, working on the index for this chapter (nearly done). Mind is a bit groggy.

People tell me that indexing is hard. And they sort of shudder when they talk about it. Really, I'm finding that it's lengthy, not particularly hard. And it requires patience, and attention to detail. But not creativity. So it's just the right thing to do when I'm slightly tired; the "middle-of-the-night" stuff.

What is creative these days is developing my Business Plan, and looking for the right relationships to bring the Unveiling Team into being, and to jumpstart the marketing effort. (Even writing to you, right now, is part of "marketing." It's also part of "girlfriend-connect time." Right now, I'd just love to have a little heart-to-heart with someone, but who's up at 5:30AM?(

So I'm off to bed. I could stay up, and wander-write indefinately. It would be a lot like journaling. (Still haven't found my journal; might be a good thing; forces me to blog.)

But what's happening now - because I took a break from book editing/proofing over the Christmas/mid-winter season (to write Business Plans, start connecting with potential sponsors, etc.) is that now I'm reading the book, as in reading it. Yes, there's the whole editing/proofing (and now indexing) thing going on.

But years ago, I started writing the book that I needed to read. And now, I'm reading it. What an interesting feeling!

And surprisingly, I'm getting something out of this. It's as though, now that I've gone through the last two years of just opening up to insight and guidance, and then getting the concepts, and doing the organization, the background research, and the writing, the book is finally in shape. The message is there. And it really is helping me.

I hope it helps you, soon.

And by the way, I have just a few copies out with various teachers & girlfriends. Noone, yet, has worked her way through it. (It's not a hard read, but it is 500 pages +.) So I'm going to ask some people to join focus groups, and read - and share their thoughts on - just portions of the book. Not the whole thing.

Anyone interested? Email me -- alaynya (at) alaynya (dot) com.

love and blessings - A.

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