Friday, July 15, 2011

Unveiling - Chapter 17: "We're Worth the Effort"

"We're Worth the Effort" - Lessons from Unveiling

A lot of Unveiling is about deconstructing - and re-constructing - our lives. The two go hand in hand. For example, when we clean out our closets, or even a drawer, we "de-construct" a situation of messiness or chaos, or we move out those things that no longer fit. Then, we're open to bringing in something new; something that suits who we are just a little bit more. We can't do one without the other.

Author's Sidenote: There are some who try. One gentleman was very concerned about keeping the "what he had" in his company, even while he moved out to conquer new ground. He didn't want to let go of any aspect of his personality, or his creation. Not a healthy attitude, and not (really) a healthy person. You'll read about him in the Introduction to Unveiling; he's "Mr. Jack." (He's "30-second Jack," to be specific. And yes, the reference means exactly what you think it does. Just read the Intro.)

Back to the Main Topic: The biggest practice that we can undertake, as we start to develop ourselve from within, is to regard ourselves as being sacred and holy. (See Chapter 17: "We're Worth the Effort.") And this literally does mean "sacred" - in the sense of being "set apart." (Go look up the etymology of "sacred" - it refers to the sacrum - which is the central element of all of our dance techniques - and also is the generative word for other words - such as sacrifice.)

We also become "holy"; whole-unto-ourselves.

This is a powerful root life-practice.

And we implement it in very simple, straightforward practical terms.

Right now, it is Friday afternoon, almost 4PM. I've been cleaning house all day; all the myriad little chores in closing out the work-week, and getting ready for the Sabbath. I try to keep Saturday as a "Sabbath," not so much out of a religious orientation, but because I've learned the necessity of regular, scheduled down-time. And Saturday has become my day.

And to approach our Sabbaths with a calm, clear mind - a peaceful state of being - it helps if our surroundings are clean and clear. So I've spent the morning, with two housemates, deep-cleaning and "fluffing" the downstairs dining areas. Now, I'm taking a quick break from doing laundry, cleaning out the sewing/design area, and completing lots of little pre-Sabbath chores. Even down to making a pot of chili, so that there's good food to eat and I don't have to worry about finding something when I'm hungry.

All these "little things" mount up.

Bit by bit, I'm circling around and nibbling the edges of the "paperwork giant" that sits on the table near my desk; the overwhelming, intimidating pile of "get-back-to's." Even that is getting diminished.

All of these "little steps" are a part of creating my life, just as you create your own life.

And the way in which we best create our lives is to treat ourselves as something very special; as the beautiful, glowing jewel in the heart of the lotus. We imagine everything in and about our lives as a gorgeous Faberge egg, and we are the central jewel, nestled within, and shown off in all our gorgeous splendor!

And even though I've written about this (See Chapter 17 in Unveiling), and am now even blogging and telling others about this (see this morning's FB post), I still need to apply what I've learned and written to myself. Hence today's little "mini-journey," being carried out as a house-cleaning.

Think simple, practical, and specific. Respond to what bothers you the most; a pile of unanswered letters, a dresser top that needs to be cleaned and re-arranged, extra clothes that need to be taken out of the closet and dropped off at Goodwill. Respond to your inner nudgings, and note what you're doing in your journal or day-planner.

A few months from now, a year from now, you'll look back - especially if you keep your journal to prod your memory - and marvel at how much cleaner, lighter, and overall juicier your life has become - and how the people, things, and events in your life are working so beautifully well for you!

And if you haven't ordered your copy of Unveiling yet, go to, and order your copy with the fastest delivery method possible. Join me in going through it. I have a "Seasonal Study Guide" posted, and am using it myself; go to We're in the middle of Chapter 18 ("The Ritual - And Why We Need It") and Chapter 19 ("A Sacred Time, A Sacred Space"). Read along with me, and comment on this blog!

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