Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Six Top Blog Posts for The Unveiling Journey

Six-Year Anniversary for The Unveiling Journey Blog Series: Six Top Blog Posts Over Past Six Years

Over these six years, I've written about 100 blog posts.

The archetype overview blogs are by far the most popular in the nearly 100 blogposts, written over six years, for The Unveiling Journey - a companion blog to the book, Unveiling: The Inner Journey, published in July, 2011.


Congratulations - You've Found One of the Top Blog Posts in The Unveiling Journey


You've come to a blog series further developing themes first expressed in Unveiling: The Inner Journey. Since 2007 (and across two sites - this and the new website) there have been over a hundred blog posts on these themes: your core power archetypes, the secret of life mastery - how you integrate your archetypes, and your major adult life journeys - originally identified in the Kabbalah (as the Tree of Life).

In mid-2013, we moved the entire blog series to a new location.

Here are some great reading choices:


Why the Transition to a New Blog Site?

  • Better Intralinking: You'll find related blogposts easier (look at the end of this post on the new site for good links),
  • Better Categories and Tags: Interested in a related topic? Want to see what else is covered? Look in the right-hand sidebar on the new site - check out the Categories (main topics) and Tags (people, books, events, and sub-topics), and
  • Improved Resources: Look for a Resources Page (main header menu); it will give you a different kind of access to related topics - from the antecedents (books inspiring this ongoing work) to future directions.


See you over there - and thank you!


Alay'nya (Alianna J. Maren, Ph.D.)


Saturday, October 19, 2013

When You’ve Betrayed Yourself – And How to Recover

All Betrayal Is Really What We Do to Ourselves – and Yes, We CAN Recover!

Right now, there's a nationwide (and worldwide) concern about money.


Throughout the whole country, there are many people asking themselves: How could I have put myself so much at risk?


I had a mentor once who famously said, We always know. We may not want to admit it to ourselves, but we always know.


Sometimes we make great choices.


Sometimes, we make awful ones.


How do we recover from the bad ones?


(Hint: We invoke our inner Emperor - our Protector and Provider archetype - to come to our aid.)


To read the full blog post, please go to: When You've Betrayed Yourself - and How to Recover - thank you!