Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hestia - Our "Rest amd Recharge" Archetype - Part 2

Why We Need Some "Hestia Time"


It Was More Than "Just Winter"

Shortly after Thanksgiving, my father died. This, of course, was the "tipping point." But it was one event on top of several.

Within a single week, one housemate - someone with a severe medical condition - went into the hospital. Another, newly moving in, announced that she had quit her new job, would be unable to pay her security deposit, and would likely not have the next month's rent. Then, a tooth condition flared up, and it looked as though I'd need an emergency root canal.

Within another week, a housemate (yes, the same one who couldn't pay security or rent) lit a fire in the fireplace. The flue was open, but it was cold - and she started up a fire of magnificent proportions. Naturally, the smoke went into the room, instead of up the cold chimney flue. We had smoke throughout, as never before. I was faced with the somewhat daunting task of repainting the entire living room.

This combination - of grief over my father's passing, of simply too much stress from external events, and the onset of winter - kicked me firmly into a combination of High Priestess and Hestia modes.

High Priestess and Hestia - Two Natural Complements

High Priestess, by Mari-Na

Our High Priestess, as we know, is our contemplative and intuitive mode. This is where we take a spiritual retreat, or even just take a long walk. We need our High Priestess to find the "calm spot" within ourselves.

Our High Priestess is a necessary complement to our visionary, creative Magician mode. Without some reflective time, we find it difficult to tap into our inspirations and creativity. This is why our High Priestess is the second major archetype we encounter in our first adult life journey. Within the Major Arcana of the Tarot, she is Card II, and immediately follows the Magician (Card I).

Since our High Priestess plays such an important role in our lives, we often miss the important corollary of our Hestia mode.

Hestia - Our "Hearth and Home" Goddess

Hestia image created by Katlyn Breene, permission requested.

She [Hestia] is the Goddess of the hearth flame and temple flame, and at every public or private ritual, the first offering was always made to her. Upon marrying, a new bride would carry fire from her mother's home to the new, symbolizing the Goddess's presence blessing her new family. Hestia is the symbol of the sanctity of home, of home as temple and refuge, and of the fire of life contained within each place that honors her. (Text from Lunaea.)

"Mend, Tend, Befriend": How Women Deal with Stress

Shelley E. Taylor, Ph.D., has led breakthrough research uncovering how women's typical stress-responses are different from men's. In her book, The Tending Instinct, she found that "tending and befriending" behaviors - those that involve bonding - are part of women's natural responses to stress. However, it was also Taylor who coined the phrase "mend, tend, and befriend." The "mending" part, and also our "tending," may refer to our physical environment as well as our emotional landscape.

Emotional bonding behaviors - whether caring for a child, a husband, a friend, or a pet - or even having lunch with girlfriends or phone call with a long-distance sibling or friend - help to produce oxytocin. Oxytocin is a "feel-good" neurohormone, and is important in many aspects of our lives. However, to "feel good," we also need other hormones. Dopamine helps us to feel the zest and juiciness of life, and serotonin is soothing and calming.

Archetypes and Neurohormones: A Strange and Useful Relation

Although it is very simplistic, we can make an "overarching" correlation between certain of our archetypes and the brain "states" that we wish to induce with each of these archetypal modes.

  • Empress - our "tend and befriend" mode - strongly correlated with oxytocin-inducing behaviors,
  • High Priestess - intuitive and contemplative - and least well-understood in terms of neurohormonal correlates, but most likely linked to anything that is serotonin producing (and hence the strong association with the Hestia archetype)
  • Hestia - the "mend" part of our "mend, tend, and befriend" stress-coping strategies - less emotionally-connected than Empress, and much more focused on the "calming" (serotonin-producing) activities of cleaning house, mending items, and generally keeping order, and
  • Hathor (the Love Goddess) - focusing on sensual pleasure, love and romantic passion - a "dopamine-focused" (feeling exuberant and ecstatic) archetype.

Hestia and House-Cleaning: Breaking Through the Winter Doldrums

Alana Morales, writing for the online Mommie's Magazine, shares that house-cleaning helps relieve stress. She's not alone in this, as even the Mayo Clinic offers activity (such as house-cleaning), as a means of stress reduction.

Laura, a writer for Radiant Recovery, describes how she found that house-cleaning helped her to reduce stress . A friend and colleague pointed out the relation between cleaning, stress reduction, and seratonin.

She wrote:

That when OCD gets really bad you can not stop the need to clean that one spot on the table or keep washing your hands or organizing the silverware drawer or whatever.

And, here is the kicker, she said how do you feel after you clean or neaten the things up that bother you? I thought for a moment and said, I feel much , much better. A sense of relief...and calm.

She said that is because you just got some serotonin. The act of cleaning, or repetitively doing something calms you down which produces a small amount of serotonin.

Women, Stress, and Serotonin

For women, stress, depression, and serotonin levels are often linked.

We can, to some extent, improve our serotonin levels with certain kinds of foods, with exercise (which produces endorphins), and with sufficient sleep and even light-boxes (during winter).

Upcoming: Hestia Strategies

In the next blogpost, I'll share how we can consciously invoke the Hestia archetype into our lives, calling upon the "sacredness" of house-cleaning - of deliberately using our "mend and tend" instincts - to help us deal with stress. This can even help us deal with more difficult situations - such as sharp emotional life-changes, including major losses and transitions.

Related Blogs

Hestia - Our "Rest and Recharge" Archetype - Part 2

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Masculine vs. Feminine - Core Archetypes

Your Masculine and Feminine Core Archetypes: How Are They Different?


Have you wondered yet how much you really need the archetypes of the "other gender" in your life? That is, if you're a man, have you wondered how much you "really need" the four core feminine archetypes? And if you're a woman, have you wondered how much you "really need" the masculine qualities in your life?

Yin and Yang not only embody classic masculine and feminine qualities, but each carries the "seed" of one within the other

If so, you're not alone.


Congratulations - You've Found One of the Top Blog Posts in The Unveiling Journey


Whether by luck or by design, you've come to the fourth most popular blogpost in The Unveiling Journey since the blog was started in 2007. (The six "most popular" blogs are selected by statistics current as of October 22, 2013. This one is actually the best on this topic to date.)

Since then, we've moved the entire blog series to a new location.

Here are some great reading choices:


Why the Transition to a New Blog Site?

  • Better Intralinking: You'll find related blogposts easier (look at the end of this post on the new site for good links),
  • Better Categories and Tags: Interested in a related topic? Want to see what else is covered? Look in the right-hand sidebar on the new site - check out the Categories (main topics) and Tags (people, books, events, and sub-topics), and
  • Improved Resources: Look for a Resources Page (main header menu); it will give you a different kind of access to related topics - from the antecedents (books inspiring this ongoing work) to future directions.


See you over there - and thank you!


Alay'nya (Alianna J. Maren, Ph.D.)


Post edited and content moved to The Unveiling Journey website, specifically to the The Masculine vs. Feminine - Core Archetypes blogpost on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. Original post February 12, 2013.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Core Archetypes Year-Long Study Guide - The "Big Picture"

Your Master Plan for Understanding and Integrating Each of the Core Power Archetypes

Suppose that you've been studying - and using - the power of archetypes in your life for a while now. What will make this year the year in which you achieve personal mastery? What will make this year your breakthrough year, and launch you to a new level of personal success and victory?

You may already understand that as we grow, we go through archetypal "growth stages." Perhaps no one explains this better than Carol Pearson, in The Hero Within. She walks us through how we go from the not-so-empowered Innocent to the fully-empowered Magician.

You may also know, from reading Caroline Myss's Sacred Contracts, that we simultaneously access and use several different archetypes. In fact, she has us select "current" and "desired" archetypes from a roster of a few dozen possibilities.

With all these great teachings, there is still something missing when we seek to fully capture the power of archetypes in our lives - the power to be in the right frame of mind for different tasks, relationships, and intentions. This "something missing" was actually laid out for us in the first seven cards of the Tarot's Major Arcana.

A Master Plan That Goes Back Thousands of Years

The background story tells us that this knowledge actually has a much older provenance than we may have thought. The earliest known Tarot decks are several hundred years old. However, the Major Arcana are based directly on the twenty-two "pathways" connecting "spheres" (Sephiroth) in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Kabbalistic written tradition goes back for hundreds of years; the oral tradition to perhaps a couple of thousand of years. And since the Tree of Life is the earliest known base for esoteric teachings in our culture, the origins may even be earlier. The Tree of Life is mentioned in the earliest known human writings.

In short, it is very likely that a certain "esoteric teaching" - based on mastering six core power archetypes - goes back at least hundreds, and possibly thousands, of years.

Three factors stand out when we undertake this "journey":

  • The six core power archetypes (together with two reserve battery archetypes) match directly to three of the four "dimensions" used by Carl Jung in creating his Psychological Types,
  • There is a certain order for study and master, and
  • There is an "endgame" - that is, we don't want to just master these archetypes in isolation; we desire the ability to pull on each one (or several) as needed. That is true mastery, and it is our goal as well.


What is Our Master Plan?

As with all big intentions, it helps us to have a "game plan."


Our "game plan" is that over the course of a year, we will spend each semi-quarter on each archetype. Integration, we trust, will be something that we take up as we go along. (We may choose to repeat this study for a few years, each time gaining greater levels of insight and refinement,)

A second - yet very important - aspect of our "game plan" is that we're tying in our intellectual and practical archetype study with our "lab work" - our daily practice of energy exercises and dance movements. We tie all of these together with the appropriate "season", using the traditional Western esoteric approach of assigning and "element" to each "season."

  • Winter: Season of Earth (pentacles, the physical body, a "feminine" season),
  • Spring:Season of Air (swords, the mind, a "masculine" season),
  • Summer: Season of Fire (rods, the spirit, a "masculine" season), and
  • Autumn: Season of Water (cups, the emotional realm, a "feminine" season).


Master Plan Overview

Each "element" has a set of qualities associated with it, and a particular focus of attention. Our archetypal study curriculum focuses on intellectual study combined with reflection and exercises that highlight each of the specific "archetypes" for the given semi-quarter. When we combine this with pathworking, we add in elements of spiritual discipline, emotional release work, energy cultivation exercises, and (of course) dance movements and techniques and choreography.

The archetypes that we will consider, are (in order):

Winter Quarter - Season of Earth (Pentacles, a "Feminine" Season)

  • High Priestess: Dec. 21 - Jan 31 Being contemplative and intuitive, a time for gazing into the fire, creating a "vision board" for the coming year, and being open to "dream-time", and
  • Hestia (a reserve battery archetype): Feb 1 - Mar 20 Spring-cleaning - for our homes and our psyches; the classic "wax on, wax off" approach to opening our minds for insight and guidance.


Spring Quarter - Season of Air (Swords, a "Masculine" Season)

  • Magician: Mar. 21 - April 30 Being a visionary, creating reality according to your "big dream", and
  • Emperor: May 1 - June 20 Bringing your desired reality into fruition; business plans, project management, process flows, stabilizing your "empire."


Summer Quarter - Season of Fire (Rods, a "Masculine" Season)

  • Green Man (a reserve battery archetype): June 21 - July 31 Escape to the "great outdoors," breaking out of the molds that civilization puts on us, and
  • Hierophant: Aug 1 - Sept. 20 Becoming a guru/guide for those younger than us - either in years or in skills and understanding.


Autumn Quarter - Season of Water (Cups, a "Feminine" Season)

  • Hathor (The "Love Goddess"): Sept. 21 - Oct 30 Reveling in sensual beauty and pleasure, and
  • Empress: Oct. 31 - Dec. 20 Connecting, loving, nurturing - sending out Christmas cards and gifts, holiday entertaining, time with family, friends, and loved ones.


Putting the Master Plan Into Action

For this coming year, each semi-quarter will be devoted to the appropriate archetype. I'll offer resources and guidance, and as you feel led, you can follow up at will. Resources will include:

  • Guest Bloggers: Special invited guests for each different core archetype - Giving you insights from the "best of the best," together with real-life stories from others who've achieved amazing results in different areas of their lives,
  • Suggested Readings: Links to books and online resources - Get greater depth, and
  • Exercises and Checklists (Strictly optional): What to do to get the most out of each archetypal focus.

From time to time, I'll write about the integration process - how we can combine two or more archetypes to create "mastery" for ourselves in different life situations. I'll also point the way to what happens after this level of mastery. (Yes, mastery comes in levels - and the whole work with archetypes is simply the first level. However, it's the level where we need a good foundation before advancing to anything else.)

So here's to you, with very best wishes for an absolutely awesome coming year!