God is the Biggest Joker of All, by S. Alice (Alicja) Jones, is Book of the Month and First "Recommended Reading" for Alay'nya Studio Members
S. Alice (Alicja) Jones has written a book that combines personal story-telling with themes similar to A Conversation with God.
In an easy, conversational, and personal style, Alice (Alicja) tells how she both developed her intuitive gifts and her spiritual walk.
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S. Alicja Jones, a gifted intuitive, Reiki master, and spiritual teacher, has taught "A Course in Miracles" for many years, and credits it with saving her marriage.
In this book, her own "conversations with God" have no less spiritual truth in them than the sometimes more abstract and challenging "Conversations" and "Course in Miracles." However, the conversations in her book are often more personal, and more approachable, than either of the two aforementioned books. I find it helpful, in my own spiritual journey, to learn that others who have been on their path - diligently and for many years - still feel uncertainty, and have many questions.
While I've been studying (and grappling with) "A Course in Miracles" for almost a year, the "Course" is a multi-year, if not life-long challenge. It can be very "in your face" at times.
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In contrast, Alicja's "God is the Biggest Joker" is a gentler, more humane approach. The issues are the same, and the "conversations" here are those that every person who seeks an honest relationship with God must ask. But somehow, as Alicja conveys them, they seem much more like the questions that an "everyday" person (not someone who is already a mystic or saint) might ask. And the answers are both surprising and comforting.
This is the kind of book that can be read in a few short hours, and is a "comfort read." It's a good one to pick up at the end of a long work day, while coming home from a business trip, or if staying at home with the flu. It is inspirational and heartwarming at the same time.
And God's sense of humor, as revealed in this book, comes across as gently loving - the way that a parent or favorite teacher might be, when he or she teaches us to not take ourselves - or our lives - so very seriously.